


SCI Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that funds and directs worldwide programs dedicated to wildlife conservation and outdoor education. SCI Foundation ensures that the best available science is used in wildlife policy and management and demonstrates the constructive role that hunting and hunters play in the conservation of biodiversity around the world. The organization is First For Wildlife, investing millions of dollars into wildlife conservation and education every year.

The Conservation Department at SCI Foundation partners with academic institutions, community-based support organizations, and conservation non-governmental organizations to complete wildlife research and management projects all over the world.  Since 2000, we have put over $70 million in hunter dollars to work on over 100 conservation projects in 30 countries.  Some of our programs include:

  • North America: SCI Foundation is a strong supporter of the North American Model of Wildlife Management and firmly believes that the hunter-conservationist is the key to future conservation efforts in North America. We have supported projects in 23 states and provinces involving a range of species.  Recent foci have been on the interactions between hunted species and expanding predator populations, grizzly and black bear populations, and declining mule deer populations in the West and white-tailed deer in the upper Midwest.
  • Africa: SCI Foundation has a long history of success in Africa. We work to support African states in managing their wildlife resources sustainably for the long-term benefit of their land, their people, and wildlife communities.  We are currently supporting research to identify the most accurate and efficient methods to survey African lions and leopards so that these iconic species will continue to be conserved through sustainable use.
  • Asia: Many central Asian countries are in the early stages of developing a sustainable use conservation model, but SCI Foundation has been present with our partners in the region since 2010. We support building capacity for local community-based conservation throughout the region, including projects in Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.
  • Antipoaching: Illegal harvest for meat or body parts is a primary threat to many wildlife species worldwide, especially rhinoceros and elephant in Africa.  SCI Foundation has supported antipoaching efforts all over the world through grants, partnerships, and capacity-building efforts.
  • Matching Grants: The SCI Foundation supports SCI Chapters in their efforts to contribute toward conservation projects in their local areas. If a Chapter supports a research or management project, they can apply for matching funds from the Foundation to increase their impact.  In 2018, the Foundation contributed over $30,000 to local conservation efforts through matching grants to the chapters.

The annual African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF) is SCI Foundation's premier activity in Africa, bringing together a diverse group of international stakeholders, senior government delegates, professional hunting associations, policy experts and wildlife biologists. Discussions at this forum center on African wildlife issues and coordinating responses to current events.

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Recent Conservation Articles

A Pheasant Reminder

By Randy Gibbs | December 29, 2021

If further evidence was needed that a wildlife conservation battle is never won — at least not permanently — the situation with pheasants in the Dakotas provides it. Pheasant numbers in South Dakota have been declining steadily, with the occasional blip upwards, for the past 15 years. I know this

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SCI Opposes CBD Attempt to Shut Down Hunting Access

By SCI Advocacy | December 7, 2021

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS). Aiming to take down the recent decision to expand 2.3 million acres across 147 wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries.  The suit cites concerns that lead ammunition and tackle could harm animals such

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Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) Concludes Successful 19th Annual AWCF

By Randy Gibbs | November 30, 2021

(Kasane, Botswana) – Last Month, Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) concluded its 19th annual African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF), hosted in-person and online with the Botswana Ministry of Environment, Natural Resource Conservation and Tourism at the Cresta Mowana Safari Resort in Kasane. This diverse forum was made up of African

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Into the Outdoors Episode Featuring SCIF’s Beyond BOW Program Receives Upper Midwest Emmy

By SCI Advocacy | November 30, 2021

SCI Foundation (SCIF), the Hunter Legacy Fund, and South Dakota Game Fish and Parks recently partnered in support of an Into the Outdoors episode, Into Hunting and Conservation. Into the Outdoors is a youth-focused television series and online hub focused on empowering today’s youth to think critically about planet Earth. Last month, this

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African Wildlife Should Belong to Africans

By SCI Advocacy | November 30, 2021

The graphic above speaks volumes: it is undeniable fact that the largest populations of megafauna live and are successful in the countries where they are hunted. To those outside of the hunting world, this may seem counterintuitive. How can hunting a threatened species help save it? Overwhelming scientific data shows

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Recap of a Busy Hunting Policy Week

By SCI Advocacy | November 23, 2021

Last week was an important one for American hunters, conservation policy, and African wildlife management. Here’s a full recap: On the 17th, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a confirmation hearing on the nomination of Martha Williams to be the next Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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