

Safari Club International (SCI) is the leading defender of the freedom to hunt and supporter of wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI is unique in the scope of our ability to defend and advance our freedom to hunt, mobilizing our 152 chapters and affiliate network representing 7.2 million hunters around the world. SCI is also the only hunting rights organization with a Washington, D.C. ā€“ based international advocacy team and an all-species focus. In the U.S., SCIā€™s full time staff of professional advocates provides the huntersā€™ voice at the federal and state levels, including issues such as access to hunting on public lands and state management authority of wildlife. Through SCIā€™s Hunter Advocacy Action Center (HAAC), SCI is able to educate and activate hunter advocates on issues in their communities, states, and across the nation. SCIā€™s chapter networks in Canada and Europe are involved in advocacy on local and global hunting issues, protecting sportsmenā€™s rights. And, for more than two decades, SCI has been the major defender of hunters in courtrooms throughout the country.

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    • SCI monitors, evaluates, and lobbies on federal legislation impacting hunters and wildlife conservation. SCI ensures that hunting interests are at the forefront when important bills come up by building relationships with Congressional leaders as well as staying current on the issues.
    • Each year in May, SCI hosts Lobby Day where SCI members from all around the country come to Washington, D.C. for personal meetings with Senators, Representatives, and their staffs. Ā During these important advocacy opportunities, SCI members share SCIā€™s positions on key pieces of legislation. Ā These visits also provide SCI members with an opportunity to highlight the organization, its achievements and assets. Ā SCIā€™s Washington, D.C. hunter advocacy staff provide federal legislators with information about SCIā€™s concerns and interests throughout the year.


    • Safari Club Internationalā€™s Legal Advocacy team works to promote and preserve hunting and sustainable use conservation in courts throughout the country. SCI is unique among hunting organizations for having in-house lawyers dedicated to defending hunting as a conservation tool and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
    • SCI has litigated dozens of cases throughout the United States and filed six briefs in six U.S. Supreme Court cases. These cases involve numerous domestic and international hunting-related issues. We work closely with state wildlife management agencies to defend state authority to regulate hunting, and we often participate in litigation jointly with like-minded organizations.
    • In addition to litigation, SCI works through the federal and state regulatory process to encourage actions that benefit hunting and wildlife conservation. Our lawyers submit comments in response to public input opportunities regarding federal and state regulations, policies, and resource management plans.
    • Each year at the SCI Convention, SCI attorneys and other guest leaders in the fields of hunting, firearms, and conservation present a highly rated continuing legal education course.


    • In every state, Safari Club International monitors, tracks, and evaluates legislation impacting hunting, hunters, and wildlife conservation. SCI works with pro-sportsmen elected leaders through the collaboration of the individual state sportsmenā€™s caucuses. Building relationships between state leaders and sportsmen as well as staying current on the issues ensures that SCI is protecting your right to hunt. The SCI State Advocacy Network and local state Chapters play a critical role in the success of SCIā€™s advocacy efforts. Hunters become a valuable voice in each state by joining SCIā€™s Hunter Action Advocacy Center.


    • SCI actively works in the international arena protectingĀ theĀ freedom to hunt worldwide.Ā SCIĀ alsoĀ worksĀ to increase hunting access and reduce burdens for international hunters.
    • Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES):ā€ÆCITES regulates trade in protected species of wildlife including the shipment of hunting trophies. SCI is aĀ leading non-governmental organization participantĀ in CITES andĀ has sent representatives to CITES meetings since 1979. SCIĀ participates in the Conferences of the PartiesĀ (CoP), Animals Committee MeetingsĀ and Standing Committee Meetings, working with delegates from countries and other organizations around the world.
    • SCI is an active participant in the World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities, the United Nations, and the Border Governors and Latin American-U.S. Leadership Forum. SCI also works closely with the European Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation (FACE).
    • International issues SCI leads in include airline transport, importation ofĀ wildlife, firearms ownership and transport, and global ammunition issues.
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