
Apr 25, 2024

Under The Shadow Of Elephants

Tuskless Elephants in Zimbabwe Test An American Hunter’s Courage  By Jon Peterson Originally published in the November/December issue of SAFARI Magazine. I will admit to fearing elephants, but I suspect I’m not alone. Their sheer size, power and unpredictable nature is a dangerous recipe. Few animals are as volatile as a cow elephant.  In contrast to

Apr 25, 2024

What Is Sustainable Use Wildlife Conservation?

By John McLaurin, SCI President What sustainable use wildlife conservation means is conservation that results in the use of wildlife resources at levels that are sustainable. In other words, no net loss at the very least, and increased resources in many, if not most, instances.

Apr 22, 2024

International: BENELUX

On April 16th, the extraordinary hunter Mr. Jan Dams, known as Janneke, hosted friends and colleagues to start the foundation of a future SCI chapter in Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg (“BENELUX”). Approximately 25 hunters discussed the challenges ahead for hunters, including information provided by the SCI EU liaison Juan Magaz and Konstantina Katrimpouza on behalf of FACE. The main

Apr 22, 2024

Around the States: Colorado, Pennsylvania

Colorado:  On April 19, 2024, hunters, anglers, and conservationists from across the Centennial State gathered in Denver, Colorado for a day of celebration outside the state Capitol building and Safari Club International was there, along with its many conservation partners, to advocate for responsible wildlife management and recognize the important role that hunting and fishing play

Apr 15, 2024

Around the States: California, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Tennessee

California: Last Week, SCI helped defeat “Round One” of Gavin Newsome’s Fish and Game Departments ridiculous plan to eradicate all mule deer on Catalina Island. City Council members noted that they received an overwhelming amount of emails opposing this plan, the majority of which were driven by SCI’s Hunter Advocacy Action Center (HAAC). This plan would have allowed the

Apr 11, 2024

Warthog Life Insurance

There’s One Lucky Hog Rooting Around In Mozambique By Mike Arnold Originally published in the March/April 2024 issue of Safari Magazine.  “Right over the top of him,” I said as I watched a heavy-tusked warthog disappear into the Miombo forest edge at a full gallop.  “That was a quick snapshot,” said PH Julian Moller. “Don’t beat

Apr 11, 2024

Fred Adolf: The Unsung Master

An Extremely Talented Gunmaker But Supremely Unlucky Originally published in Safari Times.  By Terry Wieland If you’re like me, you see the name “Fred Adolph” and something twigs, something ever so faint, in the farthest recesses of your memory. Adolph? Fred Adolph? Well, a century ago, the name Fred Adolph was, in guns and gunmaking circles, mentioned

Apr 11, 2024

The Hunt Chose Me

When the old dagga boy stood, he spun on his way up, facing directly at us. It was the look and moment I had dreamed of for so long! 

Apr 11, 2024

Mexico Lindo

Yes, Mexico is beautiful. Many head for Mexico’s famously sunny beaches when it’s dead-of-winter in the United States. Acapulco, Cancun, Puerta Vallarta. I get sunburned when the moon is full, and I am not a beach guy. Instead, my winter break will likely take me to Northern Mexico’s outstanding hunting destinations. 

Apr 9, 2024

SCI Commends the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission’s Vote in Support of a Regulated Black Bear Hunting Season

Today, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission voted in support of a black bear hunting season beginning in December 2024. 

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