
May 10, 2024

North To Greenland

Muskoxen, Ptarmigan and Ice-Fishing on the Arctic Circle  Originally published in the March/April 2024 issue of Safari Magazine. By Bob Newland  I stepped from the warm cabin of the aircraft. The frigid temperature hit me in the face like a sheet of ice. My breath created a cloud so thick in front of my face

May 6, 2024

Women Go Hunting: A Heart-Racing, Deer-Chasing, Night of Endless Celebration

I never hunted for myself until I was 34 years old, even though as a child, I walked along with my dad and sat with him when he bowhunted near our home. In 2010, my husband, Peter, got the idea that we should take up bowhunting together to learn something new and engage in a

May 6, 2024

SCI Submits Comments in Opposition to Draft BIDEH Policy

SCI stands First for Hunters in protecting public hunting opportunities and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.  In serving this role, SCI submitted comments in opposition to a draft U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service policy that risks closing hunting opportunities on the National Wildlife Refuge System and reducing the ability of States to properly

May 2, 2024

Safari Club International Celebrates Bipartisan Pro-Hunting Bills, Urges Senate to Approve 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) commends the House of Representatives for passing three pieces of pro-hunting, pro-conservation legislation on a bipartisan basis: the Trust the Science Act (H.R. 764), Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act (H.R. 615), and the Western Economic Security Today Act (H.R. 3397).  SCI would like to thank House Natural Resources Committee Chairman and 2021

May 2, 2024

Salvation is in the Details

By W. Laird Hamberlin, CEO of SCI and SCIF The future of hunting is now, and it is us. What we do or don’t do right now will shape what hunting looks like in the years to come. I am confident that we will prevail, but not without a lot of hard work, ample funding and perhaps even a dose of plain old good luck.

May 1, 2024

SCI and Weatherby Foundation International Ink Long-Term Agreement

NASHVILLE, TN (May 1, 2024) –– Today, Weatherby Foundation International (WFI) and Safari Club International (SCI) announce their agreement to host the Weatherby Foundation International Hunting and Conservation Award Dinner and presentation of the Weatherby Big Game Hunting and Conservation Award in Nashville, Tennessee, for the next nine years. The dinner and award presentation for

Apr 29, 2024

SCI Opposes Department of the Interior Proposal to Add Seats to Federal Subsistence Board

Last week, SCI submitted a comment letter opposing the Department of the Interior’s proposal to add three public members to the Federal Subsistence Board.  The Board governs subsistence use of fish and wildlife in Alaska.  The proposal would require that the three new members be nominated or recommended by federally recognized Tribal governments.  SCI appreciates the importance of

Apr 29, 2024

Around The States: Nevada, NEAFWA, New York

Nevada: SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin filed comment letters in general support on three regulations in Nevada. The regulations included allowing the use of electronic tagging, setting black bear quotas and setting big game quotas, including a new moose hunting opportunity.  Read the comment letters here. Read electronic tagging letter here. Read black bear quotas letter here. Read new

Apr 26, 2024

Call for Hunters Affected by New USFWS Elephant Rule

SCI members planning to hunt elephant can assist in SCI’s challenge to the new U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) elephant trophy import rule by providing information to SCI’s Legal Advocacy team. The new rule affects all elephants hunted as of May 1, 2024, and is likely to cause more unnecessary permitting delays for elephant

Apr 25, 2024

The Family Plan 

The Limpopo Bushveld Is No Place for a 6-Year-Old Girl. Or is it? By Benjamin R. Hess Originally published in the January/February issue of SAFARI Magazine.  When my wife and I had the opportunity to go to South Africa for a 10-day hunt in the bush, I was beyond excited. We purchased the hunt with Diekie

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