
May 28, 2024

SCI Represents Sustainable Use at National Elk Refuge Stakeholders Group

The National Elk Refuge in Wyoming provides habitat and winter grazing for thousands of elk in western Wyoming.  The Refuge was founded to provide winter forage, including supplemental winter feed, to help elk through Wyoming’s harsh winters after development in the Jackson area cut off prior migration corridors.  The Refuge has been feeding elk in

May 28, 2024

SCI Hunter Advocacy, Around the States: Pennsylvania, Montana, Louisiana, Texas, Michigan

Pennsylvania: Last week, legislation that would allow for the expansion of Sunday Hunting in the Keystone State was voted out of the House Game and Fisheries Committee. This  critical step now moves House Bill 2106 one step closer to becoming law which would increase the current number of Sundays available to hunt from 3 to all those

May 28, 2024

When They’re Big, You Just Know!

I started my outdoor adventures young. Both of my parents are avid outdoors people who enjoy hunting, fishing, and camping. When they were growing up, hunting was necessary to put food on the table, so naturally, they taught my sister and me to hunt and fish. They packed us around with them, hunting and fishing,

May 23, 2024

SCI Holds May 2024 Board Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) recently hosted its May 2024 Board of Directors Meeting in Washington, D.C., providing a unique opportunity for SCI Board Members to discuss legislative and regulatory issues affecting hunting and wildlife conservation around the world.   From May 9 – May 11, SCI Board Members participated in a productive

May 20, 2024

US CBP Complicates Hunting Travel to South Africa

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has complicated travel to South Africa for hunters taking firearms on safari. That’s because the agency has returned to issuing a Customs Form 4457 with an expiration date in the top right corner, which can cause South African authorities to reject hunters’ firearm import applications. The South African authorities

May 16, 2024

Advocacy at the Forefront of SCI

By W. Laird Hamberlin, CEO of SCI and SCIF I can assure all members that SCI is in great financial condition, and that we are budgeting for growth. SCI has been growing steadily for the past few years and there are no plans to slack off now. It’s pedal-to-the-metal time because SCI must grow if it is to help save hunting for future generations.

May 16, 2024

Safari Club International and the Professional Hunter’s Association of South Africa Announce Partnership

[Washington, D.C./Pretoria] Safari Club International (SCI) and the Professional Hunter’s Association of South Africa (PHASA) are pleased to announce a landmark collaborative agreement between the organizations. The objectives of the collaboration between SCI and PHASA include: With an aligned vision on these goals, this partnership sets the stage for enhanced cooperation on several mutual interest

May 13, 2024

Women Go Hunting: From Tagging Along to Stalking the Black Death

Growing up I would tag along with my dad when he went hunting. I loved spending time outdoors, seeing wildlife, and spending time with family. I was a good spotter when I would go, but never actually hunted.  Seven years ago, I met my husband. Again, I tagged along on his hunts until he asked if

May 13, 2024

Conservation Leaders Move to Defend U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Decision on Gray Wolves

Safari Club International (SCI), Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation moved to intervene in two cases where anti-hunting groups are challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) decision to deny petitions to return gray wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains States to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) lists. The Northern Rocky Mountains

May 10, 2024

SCI To Open Business Offices In San Antonio

By John McLaurin, SCI President "This is much more than merely a geographic relocation of operations. It is a necessary part of long-range strategies that are intended to keep SCI at the forefront of protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting sustainable use of wildlife conservation worldwide." Safari Club International currently is making more progress on more fronts than ever before in its history. One example is moving the business offices from Tucson, Arizona, to San Antonio, Texas.

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