April 8, 20241.3 minUncategorized

Around the States: Arizona, Oregon, Vermont, Wisconsin

Arizona: SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted general comments in support of the Arizona Fall 24 and Spring 25 hunt recommendations, and particularly in support of the Bear and Mountain Lion Commission Orders.  Read the full letter here.

Oregon: The ballot language for Initiative Petition 28, the proposed ban on hunting, fishing, trapping, pest control and animal agriculture, among other things, has been certified with the Secretary of State.  Two previous similar ballot measures have been filed by the proponents but have not reached the ballot.  To read the letter to the Secretary of State on the certified language, click here.

Vermont: SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin submitted a letter of opposition to Senate Bill 258 in the Green Mountain State which would restructure the successful Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board by changing the authority and requirements of the board and, thereby, allowing anti-sportsmen to have a seat on the Board. Additionally, SCI joined a coalition of national and in-state sportsmen’s groups to Senate Bill 258 with a joint legislative action alert which can be found here: Oppose Restructuring of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board (salsalabs.org). The bill has, unfortunately, passed the full Senate and awaits further action in the House.

Wisconsin: Senate Bill 139 which would have ensured that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) included a statewide wolf population goal within their management plan was vetoed by the Governor last week. SCI previously supported this bill through a formal letter of support and a HAAC as well as with formal comments for the DNR’s Draft Wolf Management Plan also advocating for a population goal. 

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