August 26, 20241.1 minWomen Go Hunting

Your Hunting Team is Your Village

My 2023 Coues deer hunt with Diamond Outfitting is one that is filled with wonderful memories. Not only because I harvested a potential record book deer but because of the encouragement and support from the entire team in camp.

I missed the big buck once and within minutes, every guide in camp was set up with a spotting scope trying to locate that buck, and they did.

The climb to the top of the mountain where I would need to shoot from was steep, and it was hot. The guide that was making the climb with me stopped often to ask if I was okay.

Once at the top I took a minute to settle my breathing and then sat down behind my rifle that was already in a tripod. I located the buck, set the crosshairs and calmed my breathing. I pulled the trigger and a voice behind me from another guide said, “He is down.”

The walk to the buck was a little easier as it was downhill, but the reward was great once we arrived. The shot was 550 yards; the buck green scored 110 5/8 and the record book is 110. My story in my next book will be titled, It Takes A Village. What an amazing hunt with an amazing village. – Judy Black

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