- Incentive Awards/Campaigns
- Chapter Locator Service
- 100-Mile Radius Lists (For use in promoting attendance at local fund raisers)
- Promotional Materials (forms, stickers, etc.)
- Membership Table Staffing at Fundraisers-SCI Staff Field Coordinators
- Use of SCI/SCIF name and logos
- Start new Chapters to increase the visibility and strength of current Chapters
- Renewal processing and fulfillment
- New member processing and fulfillment
- Direct billing from headquarters for chapter dues and reimbursement back to the chapter at no cost to the chapter
Liability Management
- Chapter Liability Insurance
- Directors and Officers Insurance
- Monthly Compliance Reviews
- Training (Regional, and Annual Officer Training)
- Help with Chapter Annual Report
- Tracking and database management of all membership, board of directors, etc.
- Database management of chapter documents (IRS 990’s, bylaws, letters of incorporation, 30% affidavits, etc.)
Chapter Improvement
- Sharing of Best Practices
- One-on-one direct help/training from SCI Staff Field Coordinators
- One-on-one direct assistance from SCI Volunteer Regional Rep.
- Regional Training Seminars
- Chapter member retention program
- Incentive Awards/Campaigns
- Chapter Board meeting attendance as requested – SCI Staff Field Coordinators
- Chapter Awards Help
Chapters keep 70% of net from their largest fundraiser
- Chapter Fundraiser Advertising in Safari Times and on Website
- Annual Fundraising Training Seminar and Giveaways
- Chapter Fundraising Catalog/Vendor Relationships
- Promotional Items/Games/Major Prizes
- Suggestions for Auctioneers, Raffle Girls, Banquet Software – SCI Staff Field Coordinator
- Banquet attendance and help with membership sales¬† – SCI Staff Field Coordinator
- Membership sales at banquet – SCI Staff Field Coordinator
- Regional Rep assistance
- Speak at chapter banquets – SCI Staff Field Coordinator
- SCI Gun of the Year program
- Pre-banquet counseling, and post banquet critique – SCI Staff Field Coordinator
- Day of banquet help with speaking to the crowd, help setting up, and other duties as needed
- Annual Convention to meet potential donors
- New fundraising ideas (Bingo game, Heads or Tails game, etc.)
- Support for Local/State Initiatives
- Protecting Chapter Members’ Hunting Rights and Privileges
- Hunters Defense Fund
- Represent members, volunteers, and committees in Federal, State and International lobbying for hunters’ rights
- Develop legislation for all levels of government lobbying
- Initiate grassroots outreach to SCI members and hunters nationwide to support advocacy initiatives
- Fundraise and build financial strength for SCI-PAC
- Develop voter education campaigns to be successful in elections
- Conducts seminars with SCI chapters to discuss advocacy and fundraising for SCI-PAC
- SCI’s attorneys initiate legal challenges to regulations that are anti-hunting both in the states and nationwide.
- SCI’s attorneys work with SCI chapters to represent their members’ interest in legal battles to improve hunting opportunities nationwide
- SCI’s Washington office works with members to address questions related to the importation of hunted species, transportation of firearms, questions on outfitters, international hunting regulations
- SCI works with chapters to develop press releases
- SCI works with chapters on their response to various media requests
- SCI works to pull appropriate media lists for chapters so they are able to tell their chapter’s message
- Respond to membership inquiries about  airline regulations, international travel and importation
- Lobby-day coordination with the SCI Board of Directors on Capitol Hill at the SCI May Board of Directors meeting
- Crosshairs generated through the SCI Washington DC office
- Monthly email communication to each Chapter from SCI Staff Field Coordinators and other National communications as needed to keep Chapters informed
- Comprehensive web site with “Chapter Only” sections
- A trained SCI Staff Field Coordinator assigned specifically to each Chapter for one-on-one communication
- A trained Regional Rep assigned to each Chapter to further assist in communications
- Publications: Safari Magazine, Safari Times, Chapter Spotlight
- Professionals in every aspect of the mission of conservation, education, and humanitarian services to offer counsel and help on a Chapter level
- Monthly mailings to every chapter including; chapter membership rosters, dues reimbursements, new members recruited in the state, new members recruited within each specific chapter, etc.
- Compliance help and monitoring
- Annual report training/assistance
- Chapter fundraiser advertising in Safari Times
- Chapter-related news items in Safari Times newspaper
- Chapter listings and contact information in Safari Times newspaper
Chapter Recognition
- Chapter Awards Competition
- Chapter Publication Awards Competition
Convention and Events
- Grand Slam Awards based on how many members chapters register for the SCI Annual Hunters’ Convention
- Provide a fundraising certificate for a Convention Package to chapters attending training seminars
- Provide chapters with auction guidelines and policies upon request
- Provide chapters with referrals on companies looking to get involved beyond the Convention
 Record Book
- Annual Gift Certificate for Record Book/World Hunting Awards donation
- Offers Record Books at cost for chapter fundraisers
- Provides Chapter Awards plaque at cost for chapter award banquets
- Offers Official and Master Measuring seminar at chapter events including free scoring of trophies for their members
- Offer an informative seminar on why you should document your hunting heritage
- Promote local chapters at our regional events and outdoor expos
- Offer the ability to customize a chapter specific record book
 SCI Foundation
Education Sables & Humanitarian Services
 Education Sables
- Raise funds to make grants available to support chapter education activities and programs.
- Education Matching Grants are up to 50% of a chapter 30% contribution up to a maximum of $2,000 per year for education projects that introduce adults to conservation education, hunting and shooting sports.
- Chapter Youth Grants provide up to $5,000 to support chapter activities that engage youth in conservation education, shooting sports, and outdoor recreation.  The limit is $5,000 in a single year.  The chapter is required to engage in a project of at least 3 years and with like-minded partners.
- The Chapter as well as Chapter Sables Committees may apply for Education Sables grants.
- Education Sables provide training for Chapter Education Committee Chairs and Chapter Sables Committee Representatives.  Training is a way to learn how to tap into grant programs and how to connect with education projects within a chapter community.
- Hands On Wildlife Kits (conservation education in a box) are available to chapters to purchase at a reduced cost.  This is excellent teaching materials and curriculum to give to teachers, parks & recreation centers, state game & fish agencies education outreach, AWLS alumni and more.  The cost is $550.  Through a partnership with the Trappers’ Association we have been able to reduce the cost from $750 to $550.
Humanitarian Services
- Raise funds to support chapters in humanitarian services related projects
- Hunt for Warriors and Disabled Hunter grants provide up to $1,000 in support of chapter projects.   A chapter may qualify for up to a total of a combined $2,000 in fiscal year 2013.
- Blue Bags – Safari Care:  Humanitarian Services loan Blue Bags to chapters for chapter members taking a Blue Bag along on their hunt to give to villagers in the hunting locale.  In 2013 through a Hunter Legacy 100 Fund grant chapters may apply for and take with them a HLF Blue Bag filled with medical and school supplies and many other items when a chapter member is taking a Blue Bag on behalf of the chapter to gift to those in need.
- Promotion items are provided and available to chapters free of charge to use at Sensory Safari events.   Items include pencils, braille bracelets, colors, and a worksheet.
What Chapters do for SCI/F:
- Serve as the local “face” of SCI/F
- Recruiting and Retention
- Fundraising
- Perform the majority of our Conservation, Education, and Humanitarian Projects
- Serve on the SCI Board
- Provide innovative ideas and best practices
- Provide dedicated “Safari-Clubbers” to rise through the ranks and lead the organization