
Vegan Activist, Earthling Ed, Says Major Change Is Coming

Vegan activist who goes by the name “Earthling Ed” gave a “rousing speech” at a recent London animal rights march, reported Plant Based News.

The popular British animal rights spokesman, whose real name is Ed Winters, warmed the crowd up as he took the stage in Hyde Park.

Can you feel it as it flows and as it cascades? Can you feel it as it transmutes from something we only used to be able to dream of, to something that exists in front of us, something we can see — something that is tangible?

“Change. The change that is coming. It is palpable. It exists in the hearts and minds of each and every one of us. Feel it. Believe it. The change that is coming. The sun will one day set on this world and a new dawn will rise.

“Out of the ashes of violence, hope will rise. Now we as a movement exist in the millions of individuals but together we move as one. And as one, we cannot be stopped. We will not be stopped. And these industries, the ones that exploit others, they feel what we feel. And they fear it.”

Earthling Ed finished his speech with a glimpse of his utopian future – a vegan world that demanded an end to [animal] suffering and oppression.

Well received by the crowd of non-meat eaters, a leading vegan journalist told Plant Based News that the event was uplifting and an emotional coming together for vegans – a kind of “vegan pride.”

Chas Newkey-Burden then compared Earthling Ed’s speech to one of the greatest human rights movements in history when he said “Ed's speech was truly a 'Martin Luther King moment' for the movement – and a heartfelt, growling shot in the arm for all who were there.”

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