Safari Club International lawyers are on the front lines in the battle to save hunting. And they are winning.
SCI battles every day to make sure that hunters can continue to enjoy the hunt and contribute to the conservation and management of the wildlife they value so greatly.
Whether it is in the halls of Congress, state capitols, international forums or state game and fish agencies, SCI staff members constantly work to protect hunting from the attacks of those who would prefer to undermine conservation than allow hunting to continue.
The freedom to hunt is under never-ending attack in federal and state courts around the country and throughout the world. Attorneys of SCI’s Department of Legal Advocacy work tirelessly in support of litigation that enhances hunting opportunities and sound conservation principles as they oppose litigation aimed at banning or restricting hunting and hunting-related activities.
The SCI legal team has been active in many areas, including:
- Supporting state management of wildlife
- Improving hunter access
- Supporting hunters’ discretion to choose ammunition
- Protecting hunters’ ability to retrieve game from federal lands
- Defending hunting seasons for black bears and grizzly bears
- Controlling the impact of predators on game populations
- Allowing trophy importation
- Preventing the unregulated take of animals (poaching)
- Preventing hunting restrictions on federal lands
- Protecting hunters from harassment