January 9, 20171.5 minConservation, Convention

SCI Launches Special New Event – Game and Fish Commissioners’s Forum

AZ-NM-Commission-Seidman-071216SCI members who serve on state game and fish councils, boards and commissions are formally invited to participate in a new event at the SCI Convention in 2017. SCI will host the inaugural SCI Members Commissioners‚Äô Forum on Saturday, February 4, 2017 from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. in Lagoon K-L, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. (Note: this is a one hour time change from the event‚Äôs originally scheduled time.) This meeting of individuals, who serve on influential state decision-making bodies throughout the country, is focused on sharing ideas, concerns, frustrations and strategies to protect the opportunity and freedom to hunt. Convention attendees are invited to listen to the discussions and ask questions of the group of select individuals who both support Safari Club International‚Äôs sustainable-use missions and play an influential role in the management of wildlife and hunting.¬† SCI members can learn how to most effectively work with their state game and fish decision-making bodies. If you are an SCI member and serve on a state game and fish council, commission or board, please plan to attend the SCI Convention and join us at this important event. RSVP to Anna Seidman at [email protected]. Participation is open only to SCI members, so if you have let your membership lapse, or are not already an SCI member, this is the perfect time to contact SCI‚Äôs membership office to make sure your membership is active. If you know members of state councils, boards and commissions who would be interested in attending this forum, please share this article with them. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Seidman at [email protected].¬† We truly hope that you will be joining us on February 4, 2017!

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