SCI Is Proud To Announce The 2022 Artist Of The Year – John Banovich

Much of SCI’s 50-year history has been financially supported by generous donations from outstanding artists.
Painters, sculptors, jewelers, engravers and custom furniture manufacturers, exhibit throughout the SCI Convention. They are SCI featured artists that attract members from around the world.
For decades, wildlife artwork has been featured on most of SCI’s magazine covers and throughout our auctions. The greatest names in wildlife art are found at the SCI Convention and every year SCI features one Artist of the Year.

This year’s Artist of the Year is an internationally known conservationist. He has dedicated his talents to the principles of wildlife conservation and depiction of wildlife in classic style.
SCI is extremely proud to feature the 2022 Artist of the Year, at the Saturday evening Grand Finale, 50-Years of Freedom event. Please join us on Saturday night, January 22, 2022 at the Mandalay Bay Grand Ballroom and celebrate John Banovich.