February 7, 20242.4 minAdvocacy

SCI Hunter Action Fund Auction Raises Nearly $300,000 for 2024 Election Cycle 

On Saturday, February 3, Safari Club International held its Hunter Action Fund (HAF) super PAC luncheon and auction, emceed by J. Alain Smith, which raised nearly $300,000 in one hour and included a fireside chat with special guest speaker Christian Craighead, who served with the British Army’s tier-one covert reconnaissance, counterterrorism, and hostage rescue unit. 

This year’s audience also included some of America’s most influential lawmakers, including U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Roger Marshall (R-KS), and Representative Mary Peltola (D-AK). HAF is immensely grateful for their partnership and support for pro-hunting legislative and electoral priorities.

With a record-breaking 16 billion dollars projected to be spent on the 2024 election cycle, this year’s HAF luncheon and auction is critical to engage voters in our nation’s most competitive federal elections. It is now more important than ever that HAF has the resources to fulfill its mission to educate voters and motivate candidates while advancing pro-hunting and pro-Second Amendment priorities in House, Senate, and presidential races. 

HAF is the only super PAC in the nation dedicated entirely to activating pro-hunting voters in critical elections across the country. It is an essential tool in SCI’s advocacy arsenal that actively preserves, protects, and defends the right to hunt and fish throughout the U.S. by moving the needle in elections that determine the most important hunting and responsible wildlife conservation issues. With this in mind, HAF was pleased to honor Dennis Anderson with the Ralph Cunningham Defender of Freedom Award during the luncheon for his longtime leadership in supporting SCI’s advocacy efforts.

HAF works seamlessly alongside the SCI Political Action Committee (SCI-PAC) to safeguard our hunting heritage for future generations, utilizing data-driven research that maximizes the HAF and SCI-PAC funds to deploy critical resources in a highly targeted and successful way. Thanks to donors’ generosity in previous election cycles, HAF has deployed some of the most aggressive campaigns to communicate directly with hunters and firearm owners, who are the difference between winning and losing in tight races. HAF, for example, has made and will continue to make a fundamental difference in federal races at every level across the country, including Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Montana, Wisconsin, and many others. 

“The 2024 election cycle will be one of the most competitive – and fundamentally decisive – elections in modern U.S. history, especially regarding the freedom to participate in the ancient heritage of hunting,” said SCI Executive Vice President for International Government and Public Affairs Ben Cassidy. “To protect and advance our way of life, HAF is working to create a Senate and House majority that will protect, not attack, hunters’ rights and the Second Amendment. At the presidential level, HAF is working to unseat Joe Biden and his anti-hunting cronies from the White House. But we need all the help we can get to secure victory in 2024!” 

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