January 19, 20213.3 minSCI Foundation, Education

SCI Foundation Partners With Outdoor Tomorrow Foundation For K-12 Youth Hunter Education

The future of wildlife conservation is stronger now with the partnership between the Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) and the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation (OTF). The SCIF and OTF partnership includes SCIF’s sponsorship of the Hunter Education unit and promotion of Outdoor Adventures K-12 across America.  The Hunter Education unit is over 20 hours-long and students can even obtain their Hunter Education certification.  

The Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation’s Outdoor Adventures K-12 is an accredited physical education curriculum available to every school in the United States.  Just imagine if you walked into a physical education class and instead of learning ball games and other typical PE activities, you are handed a rod and reel and taught how to fish or a bow and arrow and taught archery, and then you learn about hunting and its importance to conservation and how to do it safely and ethically. 

This OTF Program:

  • Is available to all students, kindergarten to high school, public or private. 
  • Has 34 units covering a wide range of outdoor skills and knowledge that may be customized to suit the geographical location.
  • Is currently in 631 schools, from kindergarten to college, in 40 states.
  • impacts more than 60,000 students annually. 
  • Results in more than 11,000,000,000 classroom hours of outdoor education.
  • Since its inception has been taught to nearly 300,000 students. 

Since the Outdoor Adventures lessons are P.E. based, every student learns about hunting and wildlife conservation through P.E. activities.  Students get the traditional Hunter Education lessons and then interact with games and physically challenging activities directly related to the topics presented.  

You may be wondering if a student can really learn Hunter Education certification objectives while in a P.E. class. The proof is in the numbers, with  14,000 Hunter Education certifications in 2019 in the state of Texas alone as a result of students enrolled in Outdoor Adventures K-12 P.E. classes.  Many of the students receiving their Hunter Education certification did not know anything about hunting, the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation, Pittman-Robertson Act, habitat, or safe and ethical shooting until attending the program.    

Another exciting attribute of Outdoor Adventures K-12 includes the Ag. Science teachers.  Ag. Teachers are now using the P.E. accredited Outdoor Adventures K-12 curriculum for their wildlife and environmental management courses.  One Ag. teacher at Eagle Pass (TX) I.S.D stated his class enrollment went from 21 students to 88 the following year because his class was now the “fun” Ag. course.  The OTF is now targeting FFA Conventions and Ag. teacher conferences.  The response from this group of teachers has been very positive. 

The new partnership with OTF positively promotes the SCIF mission to the more than 60,000 kids annually enrolled, including  SCIF branding on all 20 hunter education lessons, PowerPoints, posters, worksheets, and test.   Throughout the hunter education unit, SCIF is front and center for the students.  The SCIF mission is included in the unit overview and the OTF promotes SCIF mission through their weekly emails and monthly newsletters which go to all 750 OA teachers who then disburse the newsletters to their students.   

You can help us in educating the next generation of America’s youth.  If you are a member or supporter of SCI/F and want to promote this new partnership, please share your local school contact information with OTF.  All the OTF needs is an email introduction to any school representative listed in the “School Decision Makers” below with the OTF’s Director of Education, Scot McClure .  

School Decision Makers

School Board Member


Curriculum Director

CT Director (Career and Technology)



P.E. Department Chair

Ag. Science Department Chair

Athletic Director

Ag. Science Teacher

Wildlife Management Teacher

Environmental Science Teacher

P.E. Teacher

Any motivated parent with influential skills

Let’s make hunter education a P.E. curriculum nationwide!

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