SCI Foundation Honors Veterans At 15th Annual Veteran’s Breakfast
SCI Foundation continued its tradition of honoring those who served our country with their 15th annual Veteran’s Breakfast at the 50th Anniversary SCI Convention.

An Honor Guard began the event while the National Anthem played, then Veteran’s Committee Chairman, Gary Gearhart led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.
After a moment of silence to honor the MIA/POWs via the symbolic Missing Man Table, attendees heard from Medal of Honor Winner Salvatore Giunta. Specialist Giunta was decorated for his conspicuous gallantry in action in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan. Mr. Giunta spoke of his love of country and his honor of having served. He also noted it was uplifting to see organizations such as SCIF take such a strong stance in supporting our veterans.

Following Mr. Giunta, SCIF President, Craig Kauffman spoke to the crowd about the proud tradition of the Veteran’s breakfast. Chairman, Gearhart then recognized several SCI chapters for their ongoing commitment to veterans programs and support.