SCI Europe
Safari Club International was founded in 1972 with the aim to protect the freedom to hunt and promote wildlife conservation.
With its 100,000+ members and advocates worldwide, SCI is a unique organization in advocating for ethical hunting to preserve habitats and biodiversity.
SCI has spent nearly 400 million USD in conservation projects and 200 million USD in protecting the freedom of hunt. These funds come from activities, private donors, legacies and merchandising.
A large advocacy team of lawyers, scientists, biologists, field experts and journalists volunteer to work on daily basis to inform and lobby to stakeholders and politicians. We work on all decision-making levels from city councils to International Organizations.

SCI in Europe
The European Committee of Safari Club International is a subsidiary organization registered in Madrid, Spain, in the Ministry of the Interior as non-governmental organization.
Founded in 2020, we share with SCI the same goals and principles: defend hunters and hunting, protect the biodiversity and habitat for animals. All our volunteers and field experts work closely on local, national and international levels with decision makers, legislators and private organizations to achieve our goals.
The European Committee gathers together three times a year to take its own decision on conservation projects, plan activities to raising awareness of hunting to old and young generations, and collaborate on the common goal to protect the right to hunt and protect nature.
We are actively present in 15 countries in 13 fully fledged chapters:
- Royal Nordic (Sweden and Norway)
- Kingdom of Denmark
- Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg)
- United Kingdom
- Czech and Slovak Republic
Find an SCI Chapter
European Hunting fairs with SCI presence:
Event | Location | Date | |
Hohe Jagd | Salzburg, Austria | 20 – 23 February 2025 | Visit Website |
Jagt & Udeliv | Vraa, Denmark | 22 – 23 February 2025 | Visit Website |
Cinegética | Madrid, Spain | 20 – 23 March 2025 | Visit Website |
Jagt, Vildt & Vaaben | Copenhagen, Denmark | 27 – 29 March, 2025 | Visit Website |
Silva Regina | Brno, Czech Republic | 12-16 April 2026 | |
Fehova | Budapest, Hungary | 6-10 February 2025 | Visit Website |
Camp Willmark | Lillestrom, Norway | 4-7 April 2025 | Visit Website |
Expocaça | Santarem, Portugal | May 2025 | Visit Website |
Monatura | Bern, Switzerland | 27-30 March 2025 | Visit Website |
In the News

Helvetia (Switzerland)
Recuperation of the Tetra-Lyra in the Swiss Alps
In Switzerland, a unique conservation project is underway to protect the black grouse (tetra-lyra) population. By rescuing goats from slaughterhouses, these animals are repurposed to clear invasive green alder plants that obstruct the grouse’s habitat. This effort not only gives goats a second chance at life but also restores the nesting and breeding grounds for the grouse. Over the next few years, the goal is to reclaim 100 hectares of land, with volunteers from SCI braving steep terrains to maintain fences and collaborate with local farmers.

Lusitania (Portugal)
Recovery of the Roe Deer in Beira Baixa, Portugal
With a long-term focus on recovering the roe deer population, the goal of the initial survey was to streamline the fieldwork process. This project is supported by the ICNF and local authorities, with the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) providing technical expertise. Prior to field deployment, the UTAD team conducted a detailed habitat survey and georeferencing to ensure efficient and accurate data collection in the designated study areas.

Iberia (Spain)
Research Project on Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD)
The project, in collaboration with the Artemisan Foundation, focuses on Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD), a viral infection spread by Culicoides mosquitoes. EHD affects both domestic and wild ruminants, particularly cattle and red deer. The project investigates the impact of EHD on these animal populations, evaluates the effectiveness of management strategies, and aims to predict the disease’s progression. The Iberian Chapter is the primary donor for this initiative.

Iberia (Spain)
II Solidarity Paella in Mostoles, Spain
The Iberian Chapter participated in the second annual Solidarity Paella event held in Móstoles, Spain. They prepared delicious roe deer paella, serving 3,200 people facing social and economic hardships and collected 3,600kg of food for the Spanish Food Bank.

Bringing Potable Water to Birunda Kitale, Kenya
In 2024, the Italian Chapter successfully completed a project to construct a potable water well at the Blessing Hope Educational Center in Birunda Kitale, Kenya. This significant achievement was made possible through the generous financial support of the Puricelli Family and Cristoforetti Petroli and Mariana Fileva, who personally ensured that the project was effectively completed on site.

Middle East
Delivering Much-Needed School Materials in SCI Blue Bags
The Middle East chapter is actively involved in enhancing the welfare, education, and prosperity of local communities. In 2024, President Abdullah Al Thani, while on a safari in Zambia, provided essential school supplies to the Luangwa Valley using SCI Blue Bags.
Juan Magaz
[email protected]
The European Committee of SCI is a registered association in the Ministry of the Interior in Madrid, Spain No. Reg. Section 1 No. 627728.
The official address is Comité Europeo del Safari Club Internacional, Calle Carretas 31, 3ºIzq, 28012 Madrid, Spain.
Registered in the EU Transparency Register No. REG 813293092197-46