January 17, 20241.8 minChapters

SCI Chapter Spotlights Across the Country

Alaska: SCI Alaska Chapter – Providing Hunting Opportunity for Wounded Warriors

SCI Alaska Chapter supports America’s active-duty military service members and veterans through providing one-of-a-kind outdoor experiences in the Warriors on Safari program.  The Chapter recognizes that hunting, fishing, and other outdoor adventures provide a significant healing effect and stress relief. In 2023, the SCI Alaska Chapter supported two amazing hunting experiences for wounded U.S. military.  In the first hunt in early September, the Chapter sponsored six Wounded Warriors on a moose hunt, including hunting tags, flights, food, meat processing, as well as an all-terrain electric wheelchair to increase the mobility for the severely wounded veterans who participate.  All hunters succeeded in harvesting moose!  The Chapter joined forces with the Purple Heart Hunting Program to present this opportunity.

In November, the SCI Alaska Chapter helped conduct a deer hunt for Wounded Warriors on Afognak Island, working closely with and beside the Ouzinkie Native Corporation, which provided funding for the hunt.  SCI Alaska Chapter President John Sturgeon led the hunt, and SCI Kenai Chapter President Ted Spraker served as official scorer.  All three hunters were Purple Heart recipients, and all were successful in harvesting bucks! SCI Alaska is committed to honoring and support those who sacrificed for a cause greater than their own.

Michigan: Safari Club chapters honored for aiding accessible recreation, wildlife conservation 

“Several Michigan chapters of Safari Club International that recently stepped up to support outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation were recognized for their efforts at Thursday’s meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission in Lansing.” Read more from the Michigan DNR here.

Georgia: Georgia SCI Takes Veterans Hunting

“’The United States of America is the greatest country on earth. This deer hunt is our way of saying, “thank you for your service and your sacrifice!’ said Dick Caillouet, Chairman of Veteran Events for the Georgia Chapter of SCI. Eleven wounded veterans from across Georgia came together to Twiggs County for the annual Georgia Chapter of SCI Wounded Veteran Deer Hunt on Saturday and Sunday, December 9-10, 2023.” Read the full release here.

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