SCI CA Coalition Names New Lobbyist
Safari Club International California Coalition, the leader in hunters’ rights and wildlife conservation, is pleased to announce that Greg Hurner, President of Hurner Government Relations and Advocacy, will serve as SCI’s lobbyist and presence in Sacramento.
Greg has spent over 30 years in Sacramento in all sides of the political process. Over 15 years of that experience is working in the state legislature and in three different gubernatorial administrations. While Greg handled fish and wildlife issues in the legislature, he also served under Director Ryan Broddrick at the California Department of Fish and Game (now CDFW). While at CDFG he worked on many issues impacting wildlife conservation and hunting and fishing, including lead ammunition in the condor range.
As a registered lobbyist for the past decade, Greg has represented a multitude of clients on issues before the legislature and regulatory agencies. Most recently, he represented the Sportfishing Association of California and won relief for them from the California Air Resources Board on engine emissions regulations. As proposed, the regulation would have eliminated state grants and required the charter fishing industry to build new boats as early as next year or phase-out of business. Under the new proposal engine technology, upgrades must be able to be retrofitted in existing boats and state funding is being proposed to help offset costs and keep ocean access affordable.
For over 25 years, lobbyist Kathy Lynch led the way for SCI in California to protect hunters’ rights. We are confident that the much-appreciated momentum that Kathy created will continue with Greg. Kathy’s long-time assistant Ann Anderson has also joined forces with Greg and his firm.
The SCI CA Coalition, Greg Hurner and Ann Anderson are all committed to continue the passionate fight for wildlife conservation and hunters’ rights.
Greg Hurner
Ann Anderson