Safari Club International (SCI) is pleased to announce that Lauren Hill, of Poway, Calif., is the new Business Development Manager for SCI national.
“We are happy to welcome Lauren to the marketing team,” said W. Laird Hamberlin, SCI CEO.
In her new position as SCI’s Business Development Manager, Lauren will be responsible for new business development, including corporate sponsors and strategic partnerships.
Hill has been involved with SCI on the national level where she previously served as Chapter Services Specialist and has also served as a board member with the San Diego SCI Chapter.
“I am excited to start in this new position with SCI,” said Hill. “My passion for the organization comes from my love of what SCI stands for. SCI is poised for greatness with our new CEO, Laird Hamberlin, at the helm and several new faces in the ranks.”
As an outdoor enthusiast Hill has pursed hunting, fishing and other conservation efforts through ReelCamo Girl, her online global community of sportswomen that she founded in 2015.
“As a hunter myself, I realize that protecting the right to hunt and promote wildlife conservation worldwide is critical to sustaining populations,” said Hill. “There is no other organization out there that tops SCI in support of these goals.”
With Hill’s past work with the Better Business Bureau, International Sports Council and the MLB and NFL, working in multiple aspects of sales and marketing, branding, organizing and creating revenue, it is clear that she is well qualified for the work ahead.
“She was unstoppable as the Chapter Services Specialist, and I know having her as SCI’s Business Development Manager will only mean great things for the organization,” said Hamberlin.