
Jul 3, 2012

Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument Opposed

a Game and Fish Commission recently voted to oppose efforts to create a 1.7 million acre Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument in northern Arizona proposed by the Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, Center for Biological Diversity, and the Wilderness Society. The commission opposed the measure for several reasons. For one thing, the land is already mostly

Jun 1, 2011

Friedkin Conservation Fund Microlight Project

The Friedkin Conservation Fund (FCF), a Tanzanian based nonprofit and US registered 501(c)3, has apprehended over 13,000 poachers since they began their crucial work in 2002. Credited to gaining on the ground experience, increased financial support, and professionally trained and equipped private anti-poaching rangers has created incredible results; between 2005-2010 there were 11,857 arrests made,

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