
Aug 8, 2012

SCI’s Eye In The Sky

Record Book and World Hunting Awards are a great way to document your hunting heritage and help fight poaching at the same time. Conservation and anti-poaching funds from the Record Book and World Hunting Awards Department support successful anti-poaching projects. One project that the SCI Foundation Conservation Committee and the SCI Record Book Committee helps

Aug 6, 2012

Co-op Program Between Northern New Mexico Chapter And New Mexico Dept. Of Game & Fish Focuses On New Shooters

Like other wildlife agencies across the country, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is concerned about the numbers of new hunters and shooters being recruited to those activities.  One study showed that nationally only 67 young hunters and shooters are replacing every 100 hunters and shooters who stop being active. The NM Game

Jul 27, 2012

SCIF Supports Rhino Anti-Poaching Efforts

Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) has awarded multiple grants to land conservancies in Southern Africa that serve as important reserves for black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) and other wildlife. Since 2008, an increase in rhino poaching has been reported in southern Africa. In this same time frame, SCIF has provided more than US $80,000 to fund rangers, aircraft, trail cameras, telemetry equipment and other

Jul 26, 2012

Grow Big Bucks On Small Plots

Paul Cwiklinski of the Western & Central New York SCI Chapter will conduct a new seminar at the 2013 SCI Convention on “Whitetail Food Plots for Small Acreage”.[/caption] SCI is pleased to welcome Paul Cwiklinski, Western & Central New York Chapter member, as a new seminar speaker at the 2013 SCI Convention in Reno, NV,

Jul 25, 2012

Bavaria Helps Croatia

One of the problems members of the SCI Hrvatska Chapter (Croatia) are facing is the lack of accessible taxidermists to prepare their hunting trophies. Members of the Board of this Chapter contacted the SCI Bavaria Chapter and asked for help. Soon after Ante Biondic from Senj, Croatia, was on his way to Pilsting, Bavaria, to

Jul 25, 2012

9th Annual Junior Pheasant Hunt A Huge Success

San Diego Chapter of SCI and SCI Foundation, was held in the fields near Santa Ysabel, California, in March. In all, 72 excited and happy youth hunters checked in at 7 a.m. to start their adventure in the field. Each youth was given an orange hat emblazoned with the San Diego Junior Pheasant Hunt logo, a name tag with their team designation number

Jul 24, 2012

Flintlock On Safari

Little Sharps Manufacturing at Big Sandy, Montana, by Ron Otto and Aaron Pursley. The rifle has a 29-inch octagonal barrel and is chambered in the old .38-72 Winchester with a .375 bore. The smokeless loads are the equivalent of a .375-06 or a .375 Scovil. I was able to make effective kills with open sights to 300 yards with it utilizing

Jul 21, 2012

Bavaria Visits Liechtenstein

The 2011 Summer meeting of the SCI Bavaria Chapter was held in the Alpine mountains of Liechtenstein. Organized by Kurt Jaeger, SCI Life Member # 59 and Founding Member of the SCI Bavaria Chapter, a large group of SCI members met to enjoy a day of mountaineering, paired with various test-stations to answer questions on

Jul 20, 2012

Alaskan Brown Bears: Sitkalidak Island

Kodiak brown bears. Although this brown bear subspecies has been genetically isolated on the Kodiak Islands for around 12,000 years, they persist as a robust population and are prized as trophies by hunters. The Kodiak brown bear population throughout the islands has been on the rise due to the security provided by the Kodiak National

Jul 20, 2012

Ruger’s Ken Jorgensen’s Choice of Guns

Ruger nine years ago I don’t have a lot of history to fall back on but I have had the opportunity to pick from lots of rifles and calibers. I have used a No. 1 in .30-06 on several trips to Africa and shot plains game with it. I have shot several animals in North

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