
Mar 29, 2024

Desert Ram Diary

Big Bighorn Tops Family’s Stay at Coahuila Ranch By Madeline Demaske After 10 years of living in a family of sheep hunting nuts, my sister finally agreed to travel to the Chihuahuan desert to chase Mexican desert bighorn sheep with me. I had spent countless hours begging her to join me on the side of

Mar 29, 2024

Safari Club International Opposes Final USFWS African Elephant Import Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Safari Club International vigorously opposes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) final rule restricting elephant imports released today. The final rule will make importing legally harvested elephant parts substantially and unnecessarily more difficult, and African wildlife conservation will suffer as a direct result.   SCI opposes the rule for one simple reason:

Mar 29, 2024

Four Days In May

by John McLaurin, SCI President Our annual Convention is unquestionably the biggest fundraising event for SCI. But institutionally, there are four days in May that are of equal import.

Mar 29, 2024

Norma’s .358 Mag, Not Your Average Caliber

Originally published in the March 2024 edition of Safari Times. By Terry Wieland, columnist If there is one cartridge in the world that I love, unreservedly but with a tragic pointlessness, it is the .358 Norma Magnum. Admitting this is much like sitting on the veranda of the extended-care home, admitting to a lifelong passion

Mar 25, 2024

Cinegética Hunting Fair 

SCI President John McLaurin, SCI President-elect Jeff Meyerl, SCI CEO Laird Hamberlin, SCI EVP Mike Rogers, J. Alain Smith, and Raymie Grimm led SCI’s delegation to the four-day Cinegética hunting fair in Madrid, Spain. Last year, SCI and Cinegética signed a partnership agreement to unite our organizations to advance conservation and the hunting culture.  The SCI Iberian Chapter had

Mar 25, 2024

Around the States: Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, IOTR, Pennsylvania, Washington

Alabama: SCI Eastern States and Local Liaison Bee Frederick attended the Alabama Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus breakfast last week where he interacted with elected officials, state agency personnel, and partner sportsmen’s organizations on various hunting related issues. Pictured: Bee Frederick with State Representative Danny Crawford Colorado: SB24-131, as currently written, proposes to restricts hunters from carrying or possessing firearms

Mar 25, 2024

Federal: USFICA Passes Committee 42-7

On Wednesday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a markup on several bills, including H.R. 6727, to establish the United States Foundation for International Conservation to promote long-term management of protected and conserved areas. This bill creates a public/private funded effort to drive $1 billion towards international conservation over the next 5 years. The funds

Mar 25, 2024

UK Trophy Ban Advances to the House of Lords

After running out of time for further consideration in the UK House of Lords last year, a bill that would prohibit hunting trophy imports of all CITES-listed species was reproposed.  The bill had a second reading  and vote in the House of Commons last Friday.  Although relatively few Members of Parliament (out of the 650 total) attended,

Mar 22, 2024

SCI and SCI California Coalition Oppose Catalina Island Conservancy Attempt to Eradicate Mule Deer

Safari Club International (SCI) and SCI California Coalition staunchly oppose the Catalina Island Conservancy’s unscientific proposal to eradicate the mule deer population from the Island. Both organizations are advocating for reasonable alternatives, such as an expanded program of legal, regulated hunting, that would balance public enjoyment of wildlife with harvest opportunities for lean, organic sources

Mar 18, 2024

Around the States: Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin 

Delaware: Sunday hunting for game birds continues to move forward in the First State after House Bill 271 advanced in the Senate Environment, Energy and Transportation Committee last Tuesday. SCI Eastern States and Local Liaison Bee Frederick testified in support of the bill and joined several in state and national sportsmen’s organizations advocating for the repeal

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