December 11, 20141.1 minChapters

Manitoba Chapter Feeds Needy During Holidays

Manitoba SCI is pleased to enter into a partnership with Siloam Mission to provide more than 1,500 pounds of soup mix. The mix makes more than 19,000 cups of soup that Siloam Mission serves to help those in need over the Christmas season. The mix has been delivered, and Chris Buffington, Siloam Mission’s head food services chef, said of Manitoba SCI’s contribution, “I would love to thank Manitoba SCI for their generous donation of soup mixes. We often experience shortages of soup bases as we serve an average of 400 bowls of soup a day, and to have this donation come in is truly wonderful as we get into our coldest months! The 1,500 pounds of soup mix will help us to serve a great variety of soup to the guests who are using our services over the next few months.”

Manitoba Chapter of Safari Club International 4th Annual Banquet and Fund Raiser will be held April 18th, 2015 at Club Regent Casino, so save the date! It will be another fantastic dinner with live auctions of worldwide hunting and fishing trips, guns, artwork and games of chance for guns, art, sporting goods and many other prizes. The Chapter looks forward to seeing you there. Tickets will be out in the New Year, and you can contact John Fidler for more information at [email protected].

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