If You Don’t Take Action, Who Will?
By Brook Minx, Safari Club International Foundation President
Today, we have two separate organizations that work closely together to accomplish what SCI members care about. SCI carries out membership, advocacy and lobbying. SCI Foundation — SCIF — carries out conservation, education and humanitarian programs. SCIF’s 501(c)(3) tax status allows donors to receive a tax benefit for their donations. These are donations above your membership dues. Without the generous donations from you, these conservation, education, and humanitarian services could not be carried out.
At a personal level, I’m so proud to see SCI Foundation continue to lead as the No. 1 hunter-conservation group globally. In my previous columns, I’ve shared with you in-depth what your dollars are accomplishing. I wanted to take this moment to zoom out on the overall impact you make possible.
• Whitetail Deer Chronic Wasting Disease. CWD is one of the most important threats facing deer hunting and management. States are pressured to make changes. We ensure hunters’ perspectives are valued alongside scientifically sound management practices.
• Bear Conservation and Management Program. We are working to manage human-bear conflict in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. We also help collect data in areas where such information is not sufficient to ensure sustainability.
• SCIF Custom Education Program. SCIF spreads awareness of the benefits of hunting to educators, wildlife professionals and other interested groups.
• Leopard Conservation Program. A countrywide survey in Botswana to fill data gaps in support of regulated hunting of leopards, which are economically critical. Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania are our next focus.
• African Wildlife Consultative Forum. AWCF is the premier sustainable use conference in Africa. With AWCF now in its 20th year funded entirely by SCIF, it remains a key component of our long-term strategy on the continent.
• Anti-poaching. Working with local entities to address poaching threats. Subscribe to our PATROL Anti-poaching-In-Action e-newsletter at patrolling.org for monthly updates.
• International Affairs. Active in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). We are also members of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
• Bell Family Blue Bags. SCI Foundation donors cover the globe every year in their hunting pursuits. Request a free duffel bag from SCIF to give back.
• R3 Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation. SCIF works with partners at state agencies and other organizations to promote efforts to increase participation in hunting.
• Humanitarian Services. SCI Foundation is dedicated to honoring those who gave their blood, sweat and in some cases their lives in the service of their country, and, other disabled individuals.
• The International Wildlife Museum. Located in Tucson, Arizona, the museum provides a location for youth and adults to learn about wildlife, conservation and hunting in the Tucson area.
I hope you all feel as proud as I do what YOU make possible for the future of wildlife and hunting.
If we don’t take action, who will?
Thank you for making this possible, and if you’re not already, please consider being a donor.
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