
BLM 2017-2018 Achievements Benefit Wildlife, Sportsmen And Women

The Bureau of Land Management recently released information outlining several areas of success in wildlife habitat enhancement and increasing access to public hunting land.

The measures include:

  • Restoration of 480,000 acres of sagebrush habitat on public lands for sagebrush dependent species such as greater sage grouse, pronghorn, mule deer and elk.
  • Restoration of 200,000 acres of additional wildlife habitat.
  • Improvement of 163 miles of rivers and streams that serve as native and sport fish habitat.
  • Development of partnerships with the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and nongovernmental organizations to improve habitat quality in western big game winter range and migration corridors.
  • Implementation of 3,255 species recovery actions for threatened and endangered or candidate species across BLM-managed lands. These actions contributed to the successful recovery of six species.
  • Acquired through the Trust for Public Land, the 600-acre ET Ranch, improving public access to the 6,600 acre BLM-managed North Santa Teresa Wilderness northwest of Stafford, AZ, and the nearby by 26,800-acre Santa Teresa Wilderness in the Coronado National Forest. Both areas are in the Santa Teresa Mountains and offer great hunting, hiking, and backpacking opportunities.
  • Conducted vegetation treatments, in partnership with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, on more than 3,000 acres in the Dominquez-Escalante National Conservation Area using a combination of mechanical treatments and prescribed fire to remove pinyon and juniper trees, which encroach on sagebrush shrublands important to wildlife species, including mule deer.
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