January 13, 20221.3 minConvention, Advocacy

BIG NEWS TODAY: Governor Kristi Noem to Receive Courage Under Fire Award!

At Safari Club International’s 50th Celebration Convention in Las Vegas, SCI will award Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota the Courage Under Fire Award. The ceremony will take place on Thursday, January 20th during the Night of the Hunter Banquet. Tickets are selling out fast – be sure to get yours today!

Governor Noem previously served in the South Dakota legislature and as South Dakota’s lone member of the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2018, with the platform of protecting South Dakotans against tax increases, government growth, federal intrusion, and government secrecy, she was elected as South Dakota’s first-ever female Governor. As Governor, Noem has respected the rights of her people by trusting them to exercise their personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves, their loved-ones, and – in turn – their communities.

As South Dakota’s Governor and Sportsman in Chief, Governor Noem has been a leader in promoting hunting, public access, and conservation across her state. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she stood for freedom and campaigned for hunters to get out in the field while much of the country was shutting down. “Less COVID, More Hunting” has become her famed slogan as she leads the state in their conservation heritage and against government overreach. 

“SCI is thrilled to give the Courage Under Fire Award to Governor Noem,” stated SCI CEO W. Laird Hamberlin; “No Governor has fought more to protect our hunting traditions, and we cannot wait to recognize Governor Noem as we celebrate SCI’s 50 Years of Freedom.”

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