Honoring the biggest, highest scoring animals taken each year
Through the SCI Major Awards program, we annually honor the top animals taken each year on every continent and with various methods. The winners receive recognition in the yearly Awards issue of Safari Magazine and a unique photo plaque designed specifically for that year’s winners.
Every animal scoring within the record book top twenty, certified by a Master Measurer, and taken within the past 18 months of the award deadline (March 31st) is eligible for an SCI Major Award. These entries are automatically forwarded to a panel of judges for award selection, so there is no cost or special application form needed to be eligible for the Major Awards, provided a member’s entry occurs within the given time frame. All entries meeting this criteria will be eligible for SCI Major Awards regardless of whether a medallion plaque is purchased, though only members of Safari Club International are eligible. An entry will only receive consideration once for the Major Awards.