April 27, 20201.7 minInside SCI

Awards Issue On The Horizon

As we all navigate these uncharted waters in this extraordinary time of COVID-19, we need to remember what has brought us all together; the common bond of hunting and caring for the land, the people, the wildlife that inhabits it and each other.

April in the Record Book department means it's time to work on the Safari magazine Awards issue for 2020, recognizing our hunters’ accomplishments over the past year. The Awards issue is the one magazine where we are able to recognize hunters for their various accomplishments, whether it's for receiving an SCI World Hunting Award, a major award, or one of SCI's lifetime achievement awards. We do our best to recognize those members who support SCI as a Record Book participant or as a dedicated volunteer.

Over the last few months, the SCI Record Book Committee has been researching many topics critical to hunter as well as guides and outfitters who will be affected by the decisions we make. We don't take our decisions lightly and at the same time we know our research must be thorough, as we have to make sure that the decisions we make are totally vetted and sound.

I started participating in the World Hunting Awards program in the 1990s. Having hunted remote parts of the world, I know that what we do as hunters supports the conservation of species everywhere that we travel. If you take a look at our online Record Book, you will see that SCI members who have documented their harvest in our Record Book are evidence that where hunting occurs, conservation happens.

In the coming weeks and months, it is my hope that life will become more normal and we can continue our day-to-day business. Please remember that is important for us to continue our hunting tradition and supporting the guides, outfitters and hunting communities around the world. SCI will continue to work to protect hunters’ rights worldwide and we also ask for your support.

We are Hunters. We are strong. We will get through this!–Jeff Meyerl

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