January 30, 20241.8 minAdvocacy, State

Around the States: Delaware, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Washington

Washington:  SCI joined a coalition letter supporting modernizing the charitable fundraising statutes in Washington.  Read the letter.

Oklahoma:  SCI joined a coalition letter supporting the modernization and consolidation of the Oklahoma hunting licensing statutes and options.  Read the letter.
Nevada:  SCI Western State and Local Liaison Chris Tymeson travelled to Las Vegas during the week of January 23rd to attend the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s SHOT Show and engage with partners on issues pertinent to the business of SCI.  While there, Tymeson attended a press conference on the proposed Colorado ballot measures that would ban hunting and trapping of mountain lions and bobcats as well as the Governor’s Forum and the Attorney General’s Forum, among other meetings.  (Pictured L-R:  SCI Western State and Local Liaison Chris Tymeson and Congressman August Pfluger (R), TX-11)

Delaware: The First State took a monumental step forward last week as the House of Representatives unanimously approved House Bill 271 which would allow Sunday hunting for game birds. SCI previously submitted a letter of support for this bill and continues to support the effort that now heads to the Senate for further consideration.
New York: Last week, SCI Eastern States and Local Liaison Bee Frederick and Regional Representative Larry Steiner visited Albany to attend the New York Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus annual breakfast and as well as meet with many of the Empire State’s strong legislative champions. During the time at the capitol, Frederick and Steiner were able to discuss important issues – including lead ammunition, firearm taxes, trophy import bans, and others – with the various legislators, their staff, and partner organizations.
Tennessee: Legislation was introduced in both chambers, House Bill 1867 and Senate Bill 1876, that would effectively do away with the successful sandhill crane season in Tennessee. While all indications are that these bills have little to zero chance of moving, SCI strongly opposes these measures and is working with TWRA and various in-state and national partners in opposing these bills that are purely driven by emotion.  

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