Around the States: Colorado, Florida, Montana, New York, Oregon, Washington
Colorado: SCI joined two comment letters in support of Senate Bills 255 and 256. SB 255 would create a wolf depredation compensation account and SB 256 would prevent the reintroduction of gray wolves without a federal Endangered Species Action Section 10(j) designation.
Florida: Senate Joint Resolution 1234 and House Joint Resolution 1157 propose to preserve in perpetuity hunting and fishing as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife. Take action here!
Montana: SCI issued an action alert to Montana members regarding supporting HB 372, the constitutional right to hunt, fish and trap amendments.
New York: New York chapters signed onto letter supporting the “Make the Youth Deer Hunting Program Permanent” in the budget which builds off of a precedent set by the 2021 budget that expanded opportunities for junior hunters and would permanently authorize 12 and 13-year-old hunters to pursue deer with a firearm or crossbow when supervised by an experienced adult hunter.
Oregon: SCI joined a coalition letter in opposition to Senate Bill 348, regarding legislation that would require an expensive and exhaustive permitting process for the lawful transfer or firearms, impose a 3-day waiting period on firearm purchases, impose training requirements on Oregon’s law-abiding hunters and recreational shooters, restrict firearm purchases for Oregon’s youth hunters under 21 years of age, and restrict standard capacity magazines that are commonly found in the hands of hunters and recreational shooters. SCI also joined a coalition comment letter in opposition to House Bill 2006, regarding restricting persons under the age of 21 from possession firearms and creating an obvious barrier to recruiting new hunters.
Oregon: SCI issued an action alert to Oregon members regarding supporting House Bill 3086 with the -4 amendment, which would change the membership of the Fish and Wildlife Commission from a congressional district representation model to a watershed representation model.
Washington: SCI joined a coalition letter in opposition to House Bill 1143. HB 1143 would require a 10 day waiting period for firearms purchases and create new training requirements on Washington’s law-abiding hunters and recreational shooters.