Animal Rights Activist Unhinged
As the world appears to be picking up speed toward anarchy, the idea of respecting others, or our collective mothers’ admonition, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all,” has gone out the window.
Nowhere is this more evident than with animal rights activists, whether it is protesting the opening of the black bear season in New Jersey, or raiding farms to “liberate” animals being raised for food.
The latest incident of an animal rights activist abusing a human took place in the United Kingdom when two friends, both blind, were accosted as they sat at a bar with their guide dogs.
The self-proclaimed animal rights activist started screaming at the men that they were cruel for having guide dogs, according to a New York Post article.
Amit Patel, a disability activist, took to Twitter Sunday to detail the drama at the Portsmouth Marriott Hotel in the UK.
“Last night: two blind guys & our dogs at a bar, having a quiet drink,” Patel tweeted. “We then get accosted by aggressive women screaming that we’re cruel for having Guide Dogs.”
“Not only was she in our faces but at one point I thought she‘d get physical. Not a comfortable position to be in,” Patel tweeted along with photos of him and his friend Jonathan and their two service dogs.
Patel said the woman was shouting that the two men were not only cruel for having guide dogs, but suggested they were in the same league as those who organize dog fights.
The irony of the situation is that Patel had just finished speaking at an awards ceremony that gives recognition to animals and humans. He was addressing the difficulties that people who use guide dogs face daily. Unfortunately, he can add another difficulty to the list.