Alabama Conservation Donation
The Alabama Chapter of SCI had the pleasure of hosting the Alabama Department of Conservation at its September bi-monthly meeting. Wildlife Biologist Keith Gualdin attended as the representative and spoke on various efforts going on throughout the state including coyote tracking studies, black bear sightings, CWD testing, and the major topic of the evening, the Adult Mentoring Program.

The Adult Mentoring Program was started in hopes of gaining new members into the hunting community. Most hunters are followed by their children, which only replaces them in the field and is really only a temporary addition. The program targets individuals who have never hunted or have hunted very little and have a desire to at least give it a try with the hopeful possibility of enjoying it to the point of retention, thus gaining a new member to conservation and wildlife management.
The Alabama Chapter tries to be involved with numerous organizations and efforts nationwide and contributes to worthy causes every year. This year the Alabama Chapter donated $4,000 to the Alabama Department of Conservation for the Adult Mentoring Program in hopes to gain more hunters in the field and more support on the home front as well as potentially future SCI members.
With the donations from other conservation organizations combined with that of the Alabama Chapter, the receiving parties achieve their goals concerning conservation and the fight against all who oppose. The donations are well used and appreciated. Every little bit helps and, with the efforts, money and time given from all organizations, this helps ensure that the sport of hunting remains safe and active for years to come.