Alabama Chapter July 4 Event a Success
Lobby Day on the Hill on May 5, our Senators and Congressmen were in recess. This precluded our being able to visit with them in person. Their aides are always very well versed on what is happening and are very competent in relaying our messages. It is always helpful to be able to see our Representatives in person, though.
I was fortunate to have this opportunity on a very special day for our country, the Fourth of July, Independence Day. Each year I have been privileged to be a guest at the Fourth of July event at Archie Phillip’s Lake. Archie is the host of the TV Show “Outdoors with Archie Phillips.”
The show is dedicated to the outdoor sports of hunting, fishing and shooting. Archie is one of the most patriotic people that I have come to know. This event portrays what the holiday is all about with some great food thrown in as well. At each of these events there are usually several politicians who are allowed to say a few words.
Gary Palmer is one of our newest Representatives in Washington, D.C. I have visited his office in the Cannon Building for the last two years, seeing his aides on both occasions. At this Fourth of July event I was able to speak with Congressman Palmer in a social setting and hear his views of where our government stands at this time and what the future may hold in store for us, both good and possibly bad.
At this event we were fortunate to also have John Merrill, Alabama Secretary of State, and Allen Farley, our District 15 Representative in the Alabama House of Legislature. It was enlightening to know that in Alabama we have people representing us that share the same values as SCI.