4th Annual SCI-Canada Conference Wraps Up
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan was the site of this year’s SCI-Canada Conference at the end of July. Team Canada, made up of Canadian chapter presidents, regional reps and staff were joined by senior SCI brass in what was a very successful two-day meeting that moved SCI’s Canadian Initiative forward on a very strong footing. The future is bursting with positive potential. Pictured here, seated: (left to right) Dwight James, Regional Rep East; Phil DeLone, CEO of SCI; Len Dickinson, Ottawa Valley Pres. & CC member; Robin Smith, Fraser Valley Pres. & CC member; Craig Kauffman, President of SCI; Archie Nesbitt, Calgary Pres. & CC Chair; Larry Higgins, President-elect of SCI; and Joe Sage, Outaouais Pres. Standing: Bob Valcov, Director SCI-Canada; Garry Swingle, SCI Chapter Services Manager; Ken Weber, Saskatchewan Rivers Pres.; John Fidler, Manitoba Pres.; John-Mark Jurak, SW Ontario Pres.; Don MacGregor, Red Deer & District Pres.; Jason St. Michael, Canadian Field Coordinator; Larry Adair, Southern New Brunswick Pres.; and Natalie Nesbitt, Regional Rep West. (Absent from photo: Herb Schmidt, Northern Alberta Dir.)